Monday, March 3, 2014

Witness my and Jonathan's passions in life: respectively, food, and things that go boom

Family-participation dessert: the kids loved chopping the apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, blueberries, and dried cherries and then mixing it all up for fruit salad.  (I hadn't realized the ketchup was in the picture, that was leftover from dinner.)

Putting together the kids' rocket.

They specifically picked one with a cargo hold, to hold a toy of the children's choice.  Here Jonathan is inserting Xander's lego minifigure so it can "go up in space!"

The next night, reading all about rocketry and what to expect.

The intensity deepens as they look at a picture of actual take-off:  oh my goodness, how amazing!

See the next post for our own personal rocket extravaganza... Connor and I stayed in since it was cold, but Jonathan and the older boys came in pink-cheeked and literally hopping with excitement. (Well, the boys were.  Jonathan looked right tuckered out).


  1. I can't BELIEVE Connor's level of concentration!!!! OMG, it's amazing!!!
