Friday, March 14, 2014

My birthday

At 12:01am, Jonathan handed me a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream, and a spoon. 

The next morning, people at work presented me with a card and a Starbuck's certificate, and we all ate cake (addressed to both me and the Youth Advisor, whose birthday is on the 10th).

The boys made lovely cards, and decorated the window facing the kitchen.

Jonathan got me awesome books and some music CDs I'd been wanting.

We did exactly what I wanted for dinner - In N'Out and then Jamba Juice.

And then because all I really wanted was ice cream, not cake, Jonathan had scooped tons of ice cream into a cake pan and then had refrozen it, so it was literally an "ice cream cake" topped with candles.

We even rented a movie I liked... but then I fell asleep at 7:30pm while putting the baby to bed.  So we watched the movie last night instead.

It's the only birthday I've ever had that was completely bookended by ice cream... what can be better than that? :)


  1. Happy Birthday!!! There's nothing better than Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!! Glad you had such a great day. :-)

  2. It fills my heart to overflowing to know that you are loved and taken care of in a way that is meaningful to you. It's all I could ever want for you, my precious daughter.
    With bunches of love of my own, I remain
    you loyal and loving Mom.
