Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rocketry, continued

Last weekend's excursion.  It was much less windy.  We bought the yellow and green rockets as is, but Jonathan put together and painted the red one and the "Spiderman" one at the boys' requests.

 3-2-1 Blast-off!

 It's a mini NASA shuttle.  :)

How it looks right before touchdown.

  Showing Xander how to hook it up properly.  He loves pressing the button.  Ari stuck by my side the whole time, the noise on the larger rockets freaked him out a little.

Up up and away!

 LEGO woman all ready for her big moment.

 I thought this smoke cloud looked cool.

If you look very very closely, you can see Xander running to retrieve the smudge of the red and black rocket above the tree line. It went FAR.

The best part was as I was walking with Ari and Connor back to the car to get snacks, leaving Xander and Jonathan to do a few launches by themselves, I came across two women walking their dogs commenting on how cool the rockets were.  "I heard your oldest son count down, and I thought he was playing hide-and-seek," she said.  "Then I saw the rocket and thought WOW, I would have LOVED that as a kid!"


  1. I have looked at this post numerous times and come up speechless. I love that Jonathan teaches the boys these things. I love that Xander loves to learn about it and push the button. I love that you put a FEMALE figurine in the rocket because women can be space explorers too. I love that they ASSUMED he was playing hide n seek but were jazzed when they discovered he was launching rockets. There's just so much I love about what you do with your kids.
