Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Push cars, remote control cars, and air hockey

Connor pushing Ari, from last month.

The big present from us this Hanukkah: remote control cars. (Note we had the carpet cleaned since the last video.)

The big present from Mom and Savta: air hockey!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Connor's birthday part(ies)

Pic from Connor's bday celebration at Mom's last month.

Cake at Mom's with all of the Long Beach friends/extended family present.

Two weeks later, we were back at home in Sacramento and had a small party with mostly adults from temple, and a few friends of Xander and Ari's.

Cake the second.

The traditional-in-our-generation "smash cake" - Savta, its purpose is exactly what it sounds like.  See pictures of happy smash-caked-Connor below.

When he was done, he and I went straight to the bathtub.

Clean and smiley after his bath.

It's fun to be one!

Monday, December 29, 2014

21st century sibling retaliation

Xander and Ari were playing a kid video game together.

Xander hit Ari.

We put Xander on time-out.

While he was gone, Ari took revenge the best way he knew how.

He killed Xander's character.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


It was excruciatingly hard to get up this morning.  Connor was nestled in tightly next to me, his little hand resting on my face, lips pursed, peaceful and calm.

I forced myself out of bed.

I get a text from Jonathan a few minutes after I arrived at temple:

"I want you to know that you were not given babeleh approval to leave this morning.  He woke up.  Looked for you.  Then screamed his lungs out."

Is it bad that I'm kind of grateful, that I know I don't have this bond on my own?  I missed him too!

Friday, December 26, 2014


Our eldest son just schooled me in how to set up a local multi-player video game, so he and Ari could play together.

That was painful.

What's worse is that I know it's only the first time of many.

Thursday, December 25, 2014



Remote control cars.


AIR HOCKEY TABLE from Mom and Savta.

More books.


Squish balls.

Israeli candy from Abba and Shula.



Hanukkah parties with friends.

It's a good life we lead. :)

Monday, December 22, 2014

Holiday epiphany

A congregant made me almond roca as a gift.

Almond roca is chocolate toffee matzah without the matzah.

How did I never realize this before?!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Book reviews

The Interestings: A Novel, by Meg Wolitzer.

A very intriguing, very well written book, about six friends who meet at a New England camp for the arts in the 1970s, and what happens to them all as they grow up.  The characters were real, in that I liked them, didn't like them, understood them, didn't understand them.  But the whole book was tinged with sadness.  It felt like no one ever truly got what they wanted in life.  And I'm an optimist.  If you don't like what life doles out, do your best to change it.  I kept waiting for the book to get more positive, and it never quite got there.  So in the end, it was a worthwhile read, just laced with more disappointment than I had been looking for.

Exactly like the title advertises: good practical wisdom.  What do you do when..... type of questions and answers.  The book is divided into section on "school" and "home," and I liked the latter more than the former.  It dealt with everything from toilet-training to moving houses to transitions to siblings to pretend play to buying toys to holidays to grocery shopping to illness, and had very good suggestions for all of it.

The main reason I didn't like the school section as much was because it left me a little horrified at the state of the NY preschool system.  It talks about what to do in the child's interview, how to fill out the preschool application, and what to do if a kid doesn't get into a good one!  A whole chapter emphasizes over and over not to put the kids in more than 2 after-school activities a week, and touts the value of free play and unstructured time with parents.  This is a no-brainer to me.  And also, why I could never live in the greater NY area, if that's the expectation.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The difference between Xander and Ari

All of the pets in the childrens' classrooms need homes over the winter break.

The pets are, in no particular order: walking stick insects, 3 geckos, 1 spider, 2 bunnies, 3 hamsters, 1 bird, 2 guinea pigs, and some fish.

There aren't that many we can bring into our home, seeing as we also have two extraordinarily inquisitive cats.

So what did we volunteer to take?  The spider.  It's in a glass terrarium and needs minimal care, just feeding it crickets once or twice over the two-week period.


"We're going to be taking Sally the Spider home," I told the kids on Thursday.

"Sally?!  From Ari's class?!" asked Xander.

I nodded yes.

"YEAH!!!"  he shouted, throwing his arms up in the air.

Ari is so much more like me.  

The look on his face was one of utter confusion.  "Oh.  WHY???" He couldn't fathom it... why in the world would we ever want a spider?

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014

Connor's birthday party

Temple friends, preschool friends.

Smash cake and blue icing.

Giggling and laughter.

Racecars and walking toys.

Talking about work, about our future, about our kids.

It was a lovely afternoon.

Pictures to come.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Finding Ari

Last night's dinner:

- Mini chicken sausages rolled up in crescent rolls (Ari loves to do the rolling)
- Cooked peas for the older boys, frozen peas for Connor (he loves them, it seems to help with teething)
- Baked beans for all of us but Ari, who doesn't like them

"Your loss," I mentioned to our middle child, as I scooped up the last bite of beans.

"I'm not lost!" he exclaimed, looking around in confusion.  "I'm right here!"

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Last of the vacation pics

Marleena and I met in college.  Look at us now!

J and I on our 3-day cruise to Ensenada, for Tom and Cindy's wedding.  The cruise was amazing; relaxation and self-care can never be overrated.  

Mom watched all three boys when J and I were gone, and what a shock, it killed her immunity and she got bronchitis.  X wrote her this note, I didn't even know til she put a picture of it on Facebook!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Tour of the battleship U.S.S. Iowa

Utterly ecstatic, about to go on board.  "OH MY GOD, this is the best day EVER!" shouted Xander.

Standing in front of a 16" shell.

Really big guns that shoot the really big shell above.

Size perspective: our kids are in the middle left of the frame.

Smiling even through the sun.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Playing at Mom's house

The first night.

Making a track.

Deciding what to play with.


 Xander looked at these instructions....

And built this.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Open house at Mom's!

X and Lauren; I taught her kids when they were in 6th grade, and they're now in college.  Ouch.

The three introverts (Sheryl, Wendy, Jonathan) hiding in the kitchen.  Mom asked them to squish closer for the picture. "Introverts don't cuddle!" proclaimed Sheryl with a smile. :)

X and Dawn

Chana and Linda

Barbara and Cristina

Eileen (my own 3rd-grade religious school teacher!), Cathe who made the beautiful tree tapestry in my office, and Sheryl who understands my love of arcane Hebrew books.

So many other people came to visit us, it was amazing!  My former Whittier professor Marilyn, Mom's friends, Temple Israel friends, even Susan and Howard who now live in Redlands!  Thank you to everyone for traveling to be with us - the only reason your picture isn't here is that is most of them were blurry.

And last but not least, Connor pushing Ari... see below, this happens at home too.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Coming home from vacation

Jonathan's recap:

First, the baby pukes this morning.  Clean up king bed and baby.  Next, 3 year old throws up in doorway, while baby is screaming in other room.  Clean up 3 year old, throw food at baby, spend 45 minutes cleaning up floor.  Next, 6 year old throws up in bed.  Clean up twin bed and debate pointing gun at self.  I now have a trash can ready to go as I feel it's just a matter of minutes before I join them. Sometimes I just feel smited.

And... he joined them about an hour after sending me this.  I was the only one unaffected.  We think it's food poisoning from a skeezy fast food joint we stopped at on the road.  I stayed home today to stay with the afflicted family.

At least they were all cuddly.