Sunday, March 2, 2014

Kid updates

- Xander started multiplication and division.  His passion for math honestly amazes me.

- Ari's really starting to communicate.  The other day in the car we were talking about who he wanted to invite to his birthday party, and I asked if he wanted one of his usual playmates to come.  "NO!" he said vehemently.  "[He] push me down in the wood chips."  He'll probably change his mind about that kid tomorrow, but I love that he used (almost) correct grammar to tell me about it!

- Connor's a prime roller, he goes from his back to either side with a vengeance.  We're still working on the tummy to back part.  And his eyes are turning color, they went from blue to a dark gray.  Maybe this will be the child who has brown eyes like me?  I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Lots and lots of pictures to come...