Friday, May 2, 2014

The baby is surrounded by toys, and yet...

He scoots right past them toward my laptop cord and puts it in his mouth.

I take it away.

He scoots the other direction to snag my phone.

I take it away.

He cries deep, bitter tears.


I understand that my toys light up and make strange noises, and that his do not.

But how exactly does one explain to a baby that eating technology is not good for him?


  1. connor's crawling!?!? that's amazing. zara rolls and scoots but definitely not crawling yet.

    1. oh oops, nah, he's not that amazing, i just wasn't very clear in my writing! he scoots like zara. i fixed the post! :)

  2. If only you would feed your children....................sigh. ;)
