Sunday, May 11, 2014


Limp noodle kiddos.  And Connor and I have it, too.  Ugh.

BUT... I have two cute stories to share so it isn't all depressing.  

1) Today Ari was eating an OtterPop outside and he tried to come back in, but Jonathan had closed the main door and it was too heavy for him.  Xander noticed and leaped off the couch to open it.  

"Tha's Xand-uh!" Ari told me excitedly.  "He's my bess fwend."

2)  Jonathan has been working with Ari on telling time on the digital clock.  Specifically, if it says "6:xx," don't come into our room in the morning.  Only come into our room to wake us up if it's 7am or later.

Tonight, when we announced that it would be clean-up time in two minutes, Ari was frantic.  "NOOO!"  he cried.  "Is 7!!  Is okay!  Is time to play!"

Jonathan and I were confused until Xander clarified.  "He thinks it's morning," he said, with a "duh" expression on his face.

And of course... the clock said "7:36."  Poor Ari didn't know that the numbers came around twice, and it was now PM.  I now see the advantages of military time...


  1. I love these stories. Your boys love each other and understand each other!!!! What could be better than that????!!!!

    1. Very true. But it would still be nice if they didn't hit each other so much. :)
