Friday, May 23, 2014

Gain a child, lose a tooth

There's an old wives' tale that for every child you have, you lose a tooth.

Apparently studies back it up.

And for me, it's definitely true.  I'm in denial no longer - after a trip to the dentist today, I can definitely say that there is a distinct correlation between kids and dental issues. I never had any problems pre-babies.

Even stranger is our medical system.  I got an estimate for some dental work and my eyes popped out of my head.  I thanked them politely and then left.

Ten minutes later I walked into the office of another dentist down the street, and handed them the dental plan of the first dentist.

It was over $600 cheaper.

What kind of world do we live in where providers can vary so drastically?!


  1. This is "the new brave world". Brave-how much you can charge and the public will pay!!! Your more exclusive the more you charge!!
