Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sarcasm at age 3

At the dollar store, Ari and his brothers and Jonathan were standing in line waiting to buy a hummingbird feeder that Ari had picked with his allowance money.

A little old lady behind him asked him, "What's that you're buying?"

"A hummingbird feeder," Ari said.

"What are you going to feed with that?" she asked.

Ari looked at Jonathan in incredulity, then back at her.  "HUMMINGBIRDS," he said slowly, like we would say to Connor.

Jonathan had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing.  The woman looked a little embarrassed, too, once she realized she'd been schooled by a three year-old.


  1. hehehe. and i'm afraid to ask.....what's a little old lady? I fear it's someone my age!

  2. I am so proud of Ari. He responded to what appeared to be a dumb question with the intent to TEACH....instead of just disparaging: duh! Who's buried in Grant's Tomb?

  3. I think she was more like 70, but haha, you're MUCH too robust to be classified that way. And thanks Savta - I don't know if I'd go that far - I think there was definitely a "duh" element in there - but it's a lovely sentiment. :)
