Saturday, March 14, 2015

Green Eggs and Ham, redux

Xander read up to age 34 of the book without prompting!  And he read well.  And seemed to enjoy it.

I recognize that I have friends whose kids are his age and reading Harry Potter.  I'm doing my best not to compare them, because hey, all things considered, he's improving fast, and reading at age 6 is still right on track.  I refuse to be convinced otherwise! :)


  1. What's to compare? Kids six years of age who are reading Harry Potter are not normal and not to be used as a gauge. Six years old is "I see Dick." "I see Jane." "Dick sees Jane." "Jane sees Dick." "Dick and Jane see Spot." "Spot sees Dick and Jane."
    So when Xander reads "Green Eggs and Ham," he falls into the gifted children's category. Kol haKavod Xander!!!!!!

  2. I'm thrilled to hear that Xander is beginning to enjoy reading. All in its own time. xoxo

  3. You guys are such grandparents. :)

  4. Then we're doing our jobs too! :)

  5. As long as he like books and being read to - reading on his own will come. Things clicked for Caleb at around 4 1/1 and for Ruthie at close to 7 - in spite of having a later start - she's turned out quite all right!

    1. I'd say so, Sheryl! Thanks for the comment. :)
