Friday, March 13, 2015

Explore, rescue, protect!

The boys' new TV love is The Octonauts, a strange, fun little show about Star Trek-type characters living on an submarine and helping sea creatures.  At the end of every episode they have a "Creature Report" song and dance where they sing a little song about that day's sea animal, and show a real (not cartoon) video of it.  I have to say, I've actually learned quite a bit about the ocean from it!  The theme music is the boys' go-to song of choice whenever they're in the car - Xander starts singing, then Ari, then Connor claps.

Quasi the pirate cat, Captain Barnacles the polar bear, and Peso the medic.


  1. I read the article you highlighted in this post and it is very very interesting. Children's fare is becoming more sophisticated as it strives to stimulate kids to think for themselves.

    1. Absolutely. It's pretty educational. They don't like Sesame Street for some reason, so this stuff fills the gap.

  2. i love this show. they don't like Sesame Street? Bummer. How about Mr. Rogers?

    1. No for Xander. And it's hard to get Ari to watch anything that Xander doesn't like. I'm holding out hope for Connor.

  3. Kaya loves this show too, it's cute!
