Saturday, March 7, 2015

Household discoveries

Our boys ask a lot of questions, about everything.  But they especially want to know about the world around us. Ari wants to know where the poop goes after you flush the toilet.  Xander wants to know how light bulbs work. 

(I generally have no idea.)

Thank goodness for my husband.  He bought the book How Your House Works:  A Visual Guide to Understanding and Maintaining Your Home.  

Every page has a diagram on it, and it covers plumbing, wiring, heating and cooling, appliances, foundation and frames, outdoor things like lawn mowers and sprinklers, and more.  The kids think it's the coolest thing since sliced bread.

The "Appliances: Dishwasher" page.

Our curious children looking inside the real dishwasher, and my industrious husband comparing the real parts to what's explained on the page.


  1. Look at the concentration on those boys' faces! Ari and Xander are soaking up the information like a sponge.

    As for you, Jonathan, that's a super lesson you're delivering! Hands-on book-learning.

    1. I super-enjoy every moment I get to teach them something. - J

  2. Great! So many dads are remembered for being DAD the ENFORCER.
    You're gonna be remembered as DAD The ENLIGHTENER.

  3. Good for you, Jonathan!!! They are so lucky to have you.
