Monday, March 16, 2015

I turned 34.... woohoo?

According to who you ask, I'm either "such a BABY!" (thanks, Auntie Lois and everyone in the office) or unbelievably old (thanks parents and children).

Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake.  One can never go wrong.

Connor very excited about upcoming cake.

Reading my birthday card from Xander.

Jonathan took them shopping, and they got gifts for me with their allowance money.  X's was a 500 piece puzzle.

My goodness, this looks challenging!

Holding up Xander's handwritten birthday letter.  He's so proud.

Ari got me a gift as well.  Here he is handing it to me with love.

 Avengers, 50 piece! We did it together that night.


Mom and Savta pitched in for Starbucks and Panera cards, which was awesome.  And Jonathan got me new books and a couple CD's I'd been wanting.  It was such a lovely day.

 And then, at temple...
Judy crocheted me a kippah as a birthday gift!  I crafted my outfit on Shabbat to match it.  :)

The sticker says "mazel tov," congratulations - it was from Tot Shabbat, because it was my birthday month. :)


  1. i'm so happy to see the boys buying puzzles and that you're doing them together!!!! Thank you, Jonathan. Happy birthday, my wonderful daughter. You're the best daughter i ever gave birth to! hehehe

  2. I need a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake. That is so much awesomeness!!! Where did you get it?

    I miss celebrating your birthday with you, it was always so much fun. Remember the fondue place? Yum!!

    1. Oh my goodness Nicole, I need to go back there, that was the best place! I wish you were here for a girls' night out. :(

      And the cake was from Cold Stone Creamery... YUM. I highly recommend it. :)
