Thursday, March 26, 2015

Cleaning for Pesach

It was Xander's idea: he wanted to be like Izzy the Whiz and Passover McClean.  I wasn't going to say no.  (Thank you, PJ Library for providing the book!)

Ari went over the main carpet beautifully, Xander had a lot of fun with the attachments.

What a clean room we had!  


  1. omg! this is fantastic!!!!!!!

  2. Wait, spring cleaning is part of a religious observance? The more I learn about Judaism, the cooler it is.

    1. Haha, it food actually is! On this holiday we're supposed to get rid of everything with leavening in it, and only eat non-leavened foods (hearkening back to the Israelites not letting their bread rise when they left Egypt, so we only eat matzah.) Practically, this means that we clean our houses looking for every last stray crumb of cake, cookies, etc. It's basically spring cleaning. :)

  3. after sharing this post, one of my coworkers commented, "hmmmmm, i'm going to have to get my grandsons a book........" hahahahaha

  4. Wow! With what fervor these fellas attack the task at hand. They're putting all their concentration and muscle into the job! Kol haKavod guys!
