Thursday, June 11, 2015

In transit

Jonathan's update: 

Goodbye golden hills and mountains. I'm not going to see you again for a long time. I'm officially on my way to Florida! Heading south down the I5 I saw what is a classic California backdrop. From the 5 I plan to connect to the 40 East and stop at the Grand Canyon National Park. More pictures to come.

Driving through the Mojave desert. We are driving along the I40 that parallels the old route 66. Route 66 can be seen next to us as we drive. I would not want to drive it. It undulates up and down and is terribly narrow. But the Mojave! It is truly awesome in its vastness. You feel so small in it. The clouds only exaggerate it by giving you a sense of scale. It is one of those places that seems both terrible and magical at the same time.

At the Grand Canyon!

This shot was near sunset.

Elk were everywhere.

My update:
I am so sad and yet so excited at the same time.  I love Sacramento, our B'nai Israel community, our non-temple friends.  Our beautiful gorgeous and yet very empty house.  Farewell, we have left you.

Thank goodness for friends who saved us in terms of childcare and schlepping: William and Jason, Davita, Arrin, Melo, Mandy and Marcia, we couldn't have done it without your help.   Thank you from the very bottom of our hearts.

Kiddos at park while packers packed up the house.

Kiddos and Isaac at Climbaroo while movers put everything in the truck.

The move-out was exhausting, to be honest.  It was the longest two days ever.  On Tuesday the truck left at 4:30pm.  We left at 5:15 for the airport.  And now 3 kids, 2 cats, 1 stroller, 2 carseats, 1 booster, 1 suitcase, and 2 Spiderman carry-ons are safely ensconced at my mother's house.  We're here for a good long while, then we fly to meet Jonathan.


  1. Jonathan, thank you so very much for taking me along on the start of your challenging cross-country journey. These breathtaking California views are now committed to memory. You speak of Route 66 as outdated and downscale. That jarred me because I still think of it as the acme and the essence of way-to-go travel!!!

    Michal, you helped me have my good cry about saying goodbye to Sacramento. I'd come to love it too, having lived there through your eyes these past years. Time to dry my tears and turn my face eastward. This pause in Long Beach is welcome. I hope it will give all of you time to sharpen your capacity for meeting new challenges and encountering all sorts of new and exciting people and experiences. Florida awaits you with open arms.

  2. Let me now complete my last comment which was to Jonathan and Michal......

    Janet, For the next couple of weeks the old homestead on Monogram in Long Beach will be bustling with Bubby's treasures. But this time is different, and certainly not easy. While, for the children being with Bubby is always a treat, this time they have been uprooted from their home and are on their way into the unknown...a scary situation. Actually, you've been through this before, with Xander, when they left Cincinnatti behind. Multiply that by three!!!! My thoughts are with all of you, and I'll be glued to the blog, seeking to join you in spirit as you face the future together.

  3. I'm so glad I can take these pictures and share them. I just LOVE your comments Savta. You are so poetic, even when you don't try. *hugs* from America!

    1. Thanks, Jonathan. Hugs are always welcome, but your hugs from far-away exotic America are hearwarmingly welcome!
