Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Book rec

In the middle of moving, so I'll be brief:

Sacred Hearts: A Novel by Sarah Dunant

A historical novel about nuns in Renaissance Italy.

I didn't think it would be interesting.

But it had drama, love, suspense, religion, politics, medicine (the main character nun is a healer/doctor)... some parts were slower than others, but all in all, the perfect escapist read where I still learned things.


  1. I rely on your recommendations. What I'd really like from you is a long list. I know.....
    you're in the middle of moving....

    1. Oy! And I don't keep one. I would just skim past blog entries to compile one... that's what I would need to do too! We also have very different tastes though, for example I know you love biographies and non-fiction and I rarely read that.

    2. Oh no! I also love historical novels, detective stories, all novels on the human condition... You name it. I am not a fab of science fiction; too much of what was science fiction in my youth has become reality!!!! All I demand of a book is that it be well-written. I can laugh and cry and tremble while reading if the author is sincere and the characters come alive. Some of the best books I've read have been your recommendations. "The Lonely Bigamist"" Major Somebody's Last Stand" "Doggone It" (At the moment, the actual names escape me) but you get the idea.

      I'll take your suggestion and try to bring up past blogs.

    3. It was Major Pettigrew's Last Stand...... And the journalists with the serial killer in Florence!!!!..... And the Chilean author of thrilling historical novels!!!! in addition to everything you like, I like biographies and non-fiction. I am still pushing to get you to read "Proust and the Octopus."

    4. One day, Savta, one day! It's just such heavy reading, I've started it a few times but each time my eyes cross, it felt more like a textbook. I need more escapist literature in my life at this point.
