Wednesday, June 17, 2015

An end to the road trip, and an extension of the SoCal trip

Jonathan's update:

"I'm here!"

He's very happy to be done driving.

Mom's update:

Xanderism: After I read the big boys a couple quick stories before bed last night, Xander wanted to go to sleep. Ari, not so much. So after a little bickering, I made some comment to which Ari responds, "I hate Xander!" And Xander turns to his little brother and very calmly says to him, "No you don't, Ari. You love me."

My update:

Because the movers are going to arrive three days later than we had anticipated, I changed our flights to Saturday.  So I get to go to Mom's service on Friday night!  This required an emergency Target run in order to get something to wear, as all I had packed was jeans and t-shirts. I rocked the house and got lots on sale to wear at work, using up all my gift cards and still only being gone 2 hours.

The kids and I spent an easy day at home, playing, then Barbara and Cristina came over to visit, followed by haircuts, Big Stick popsicles for snack, and more playing: fuse beads, puzzles, Duplo, origami, etc.  Bedtime was much easier tonight.

Cristina took some wonderful photos of their visit, below.  It should be noted that this was specifically a pajama visit: they came early in the morning and told me to stay casual and not change, so I didn't.  I've known these women since before I can remember, so it's deeply ingrained in me to listen to them... plus, it really helped not having to argue with the kids to get dressed. :)

Barbara explaining her cane, holding the origami penguin Xander made her.

Xander's origami. I can't recall all of them, but the orange is a penguin, the green is the back of the piano, light green is a pelican, I forget what the blues are... but he also does frogs, houses, swans, "fancy boxes," and lots more.  We got him this Easy Origami book as a travel gift, and then Antonio brought him a packet of paper, and he's spent quite a lot of time on it.

Connor trying on Mom's glasses.

Telling Ari his fortune, using a Xander-folded fortune-teller that I had written up.  I remember them from my own childhood, it feels a little strange to be the parent this time round.

"Hi Cristina.  If I wait very patiently and coo at you, will you please give me your phone?  I'm really good at pressing buttons."

Panorama of my mother's house.


Mom built the outdoor enclosure for Simcha.  It became my kidlet's enclosure today, as last night she assured them that it could hold their weight.  I had been saying no, you can't go out there, but today it was a whole new world, one that was all about being outdoors and building Duplo.

Climbing up.

As high as the kitty cats.

Back in the house, there was more bonding.


  1. To Jonathan: Mazal Tov!! You have safely and successfully reached the end of your journey. I speak for all your readers when I thank you for having shared it with us.

    To Mom/Bubby: May Xander always feel as secure in his skin as he does right now.
    In fact, that would be my wish for all the people in my life, including me.

    To Michal: Such a happy, upbeat post!
    "Tit-chad-shee" with all your new raiment!
    How great for the kids to have you all to themselves for these wonderful play-days, without having to share them with the Rabbi.

    Bless Barbara and Cristina! Good friends always. It must be a treat for them to see you all grown up with children of your own. And not just grown up, but fulfilling the promise that all of us always saw in you. Barbara and Cristina have the knack of connecting with all generations. They never talk down to kids...They meet everyone on their own level, with genuine interest.

    I cracked up seeing the boys in Simcha's outdoor enclosure. Hope you weren't reported for child abuse when they were observed climbing around out there.

    I melted seeing Connor's winsome face.....I'da given him my phone.....

    I have to commend you, Michal, for putting these interim days to marvelously good use by giving your attention to your boys, despite the logistical glitches which upset original plans.

  2. I have to give it to Michal. 3 kids on your own is tough even for someone experienced in handling them but this is new for Michal and she faced it head on. I'm proud of you!
