Monday, January 13, 2014


A full-size Hershey's chocolate bar has 24 grams of sugar and 3 grams of protein.

A generic Raley's (supermarket) brand 6oz cherry yogurt cup has 26 grams of sugar and 6 grams of protein.

What is this world coming to when the nutritional value of yogurt is about the same as that of candy?!

And here I thought we were giving the kids healthy lunches.  I guess not.


  1. Live and learn, Michal. Live and learn. :)

  2. Yeah. From one who has to read every label, it's eye opening and frightening! The major food corporations are making junk food and packaging it as healthy. They don't care about anything but money. Thank goodness you're checking labels.
    Love you even MORE for doing it.
    Your Mom

    1. But Cristina/Barbara (I think?) and Mom - so NOW what do we give them? Shopping at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods is an extra 25 minutes away and everything is twice as expensive. GRRR.

  3. So you do the best you can to get the organic yogurt and give them fresh berries to put into it. I know. It's hard. We're forced to read labels these days. GRRRR is right! Hang in there.

  4. I usually avoid the flavored yogurt and eat plain with some fresh fruit - but even with the flavored stuff, you should be getting more calcium and vitamins and less fat than the chocolate bar! and the 3 gr difference in protein is significant.

  5. Aw, thanks for saying so, Sheryl! That makes me feel better. And yeah... l like the plain too, but the kids only want vanilla or fruit.

  6. I am Cristina... Can you make yogurt at home? Just asking... Home made is always best.

  7. While the sugar and protein levels might be similar, that's where the similarities end. Yogurt is of course a wonderful source of vitamins and minerals such as B-6, B-12, potassium and magnesium, while a chocolate bar has no return besides being delicious.

    It's similar to the relation between juice and soda. Juice has a very high amount of sugar, just like soda, but soda's sugar is just empty calories, while juice generally has some (if only a little) actual nutritional content. While I would never tell you how to raise your children, I wouldn't really call yogurt candy. Yogurt is more healthy in just about every way.

    Just my thoughts :)

    1. All true, William, all true! Juice and soda are a great comparison. Of course yogurt's not really candy. I was just being a bit dramatic. :)
