Saturday, January 11, 2014

Starting to calm down

I don't know if we've hit a groove, so to speak, but we're definitely not in panic mode anymore.

- Connor's six weeks old, and (knock on wood, plastic, metal, glass, whatever) is the least fussy baby of all three of them.  He definitely has his preference of wanting to be walked around in the evenings, but overall, he wails only an infinitesimal part of the day.

- Xander got a library card.  Because Ari had one, duh, so he too needed one desperately.  I love it, my kids want to read!  We let them check out what they want in the interest of individuality, so Jonathan and I have been reading all about Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, and other superheroes.  Xander was so cute, he insisted on sleeping with his library card the night he got it. 

- My sister was here for a week and went back home.  I worked with her on her resume; wish her luck in landing a new job!

- Our children will never be obese.  I think I've mentioned that at our house if a child doesn't like what's for dinner and refuses to eat, they have to take one bite before we would consider making them something else.  Well, when they refuse that bite, they don't get anything else and we save their plate. Hours later if they say they're hungry, they get that plate back and still have to try the meal.  Xander refused CHICKEN NUGGETS AND CARROTS and had a huge tantrum, so went without dinner.  In the end Ari ate it.  I still don't understand what happened.

- I had my first public appearance with temple people since the baby naming, at the shiva for the woman who passed away last week.  I brought Connor with me and he was immediately lifted from my arms and passed around from person to person.  It was like the HUC lounge all over again but even better, because this time, almost everyone there was a parent and automatically went into that hip sway/arm bouncing mode.  He never even cried once.

- Although the kids will continue at their current school next year, just to be educated about what's out there we've toured the public charter Montessori, a non-Montessori charter in our neighborhood, and the local elementary down the road.  And as a result, we found out something interesting: despite the fact that Xander's doing addition and subtraction, reading, and handwriting, and his current school considers this his kindergarten year, if we were to switch him to any public school, he would have to repeat kindergarten or officially skip a grade - according to the new law he's too young to be in first grade.  

- Lastly, it definitely feels like the babymoon is over and I've rejoined real life.  It's good progress, as I go back to work in less than a month on February 9th.  But oy, right now I just want to cuddle with Connor and not think about it yet!

1 comment:

  1. Cuddle away and tell your brain to take a nap!
    More later. Off to Beth David.
    Love you,
