Monday, January 20, 2014

Fairytale Town a couple weekends ago

Ahoy thar, matey.

My brother's Captain!

Up the treehouse ladder.

Siblings on a slide, part umpteenth.

On the "Crooked Mile," a super-twisty road.

All hail the Spider Boys!

Climber One.

Climber Two.

Sliding down.

Hula hooping.

How Spider Child the Third spent his day.


  1. I can't believe I never commented on these fantastic post...I certainly come back to look at it enough! I love the pictures, the captions. I am in love with my family. How lucky am I to have 3 wonderful grandsons who have 2 fabulous parents. Give them all hugs from their Bubby and a special kiss to Spider Child the Third. How I miss you all. You truly can't even IMAGINE.

  2. We miss you too! And maybe I can't imagine... I couldn't imagine how much you loved *me* til I had my own kids. I'm guessing it'll be the same with grandkids!
