Saturday, October 19, 2013


Bed rest just got a bit more serious.  The pubic symphysis bone is starting to separate. That means more lying down, more resting.  This will be my last week of work... even sitting up to type on the laptop is painful.

The chiropractor put it very bluntly when he said, "You don't want any more babies, do you?  Because having another one will put you in a wheelchair."  And the midwife, later that night: "You're not the kind of woman who wants six kids, right?  Because that won't be happening."

In a way I'm sad, because there was always the possibility of having another and going for a 4th child, maybe a girl.  But even more than that, I'm relieved - now all the ambivalence is gone, and the choice has been taken out of my hands.  I can't carry another child myself, and I don't want a fourth enough to go through the process of adoption... so the decision is made.  It was meant to be.

So at this point, we are SO GOOD with just one more.  One more is perfect.  But oy, I have to say, I really hope he comes early, because I don't know if I can take this for another 5 weeks!


  1. Please take care of yourself, my beloved daughter. I want you to be healthy. Period. I love you from the deepest recesses of my being.

  2. ((((hugz)))) Did you ever meet Renea Frey? She had some pubic separation thing with her third child and did end up in a wheelchair for a bit. I can get you in touch with her if you'd like?
