Monday, October 14, 2013

Potty Training the Second Sibling

(written by Jonathan)

So… if you have never potty trained a boy, you have missed quite the experience.  This subject came up while talking to a Target customer service representative when I was returning several boxes of unused diapers.  I explained that my son was potty training and no longer needed diapers.  She stated that she remembered what that was like with her daughter and nodded sagely.  I then explained if she has never had boys then she doesn’t know half of what my life is like.

“For one, my son has an older brother 2 years his senior who has taken upon himself to mentor him in the fine art of peeing.” I explained.  She looked at me like I had birds flying out of my ears.  “Fine art?” she asked.

“Yes. You see, when you are a boy peeing outdoors, you don’t just relieve yourself.  You try to achieve new levels of skill.  You go for new distance records, see how much square footage of grass can be watered, what patterns you can make with the stream or go for height records.  I wouldn’t be surprised to find that my neighbors are convinced that I have a broken sprinkler in my back yard.”

About this time in my explanation the Customer Service Rep was buckled over laughing.  You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had peed her pants.  I should have Xander give her some tips.

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