Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mom's visit over Xander's birthday weekend

They may love my smoothies, but they're still a little scared of the blender.

Giving Xander a birthday present: his very own weaving loom!

Examining the kit.

Kissing Ari on the head.

Surprise!  It's a birthday hat!

Hats are so super silly.

Happy Bubby and oldest grandson.

 Very carefully threading the loom.

 Picking up each color with the hook....

Cracking up together.

Tying off the edges.

Pose to say "cheese"!

The finished product: a potholder for Daddy!

How Bubby bonded with Ari this trip.  (Don't laugh, these things are important!)

Why she's a better Bubby than I am a mom... I still haven't held Blackie once!

And last but not least... a rousing game of soccer at the Round Table birthday dinner.  The big appeal?  We had dessert first!


  1. Well, I've probably looked at the pictures in this post 20 times already and I'm finally making a comment. But what to say? I'm speechless. The pictures are so beautiful and the captions are perfect, describing each moment to the tee.

    What a wonderful time the boys and I had together. The moments really were priceless. Before this trip I knew how much I loved THEM, but now I have no doubt how much they love me. What an experience......better than anything.

    Love you all!

    1. My only response is, how in the world did you ever doubt how much they loved you in the first place? :)
