Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Book reviews

So what have I been reading lately?  Romance novels, because they're a good distraction!  Sorry, no reviews on those.  And then two real books.  I'm sure you won't be surprised where my interests lie lately. :)

A Labor of Love: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for the Mind, Body and Soul of the Jewish Woman by Rachel Broncher

First, I should say that I am definitely not the target audience for this book.  It was lent to me by my midwife, which was extremely sweet, but I'm sure she didn't realize that the author is frum, meaning Orthodox and strictly observant, living in Israel.  So I really liked all the birth stories found within, and I could even get behind the attitude of "just have faith and it'll all work out," but I had to laugh at the thought of Jonathan not being by my side at the birth for reasons of modesty, or that I should remember to say certain Psalms as I went into labor.  It was definitely an interesting read, and I'm glad that the Orthodox sector has a natural childbirth book... it just isn't my book.

The Purpose of Boys: Helping Our Sons Find Meaning, Significance, and Direction in Their Lives by Michael Gurian

I was admittedly slightly disappointed by this one, too.  I think part of it is that my kids are so young, I felt that I needed to read it in 5 years or more when it really applied; right now, I don't think that their need to find "purpose" is that different from that of girls'.  One thing I did appreciate greatly though was the emphasis on the difference in brain chemistry between boys and girls. I still very much believe in the power of social construction and that differences in gender are greatly created by us; but having scientific data talking about hormone levels really helped.  I.e. I hadn't known that testosterone levels are 10-20 times higher in the average boy than they are in the average girl, or that girls' brains physically work differently, in different lobes, so they multi-task better and make more emotional connections than boys by default. I do firmly agree with the emphasis on community and rites of passage as being helpful for boys - but again, is it more helpful for them than for girls?  I had too many questions at the end, and left thinking that much of it was obvious, and the part that wasn't I doubted.  I need a Q&A session with the author, I think!

Other than that, I have some fun books I'm in the middle of reading, so will report on those when I've finished.  Yay for having the time to read!


  1. I'm really glad to hear that you're reading for fun or what I call "soul reading." It's like air for you!

  2. If you haven't yet read "PROUST and the SQUID" by Maryanne Wolf, which is about the reading brain, I highly recommend it. Truly. I loved it. It will be valuable in regard to Are who is 2-1/2 years old oh so relevant for Xande who has entered Kinergarten.

    1. I have it on my shelf, I just haven't gotten to it yet! I will soon...
