Sunday, September 14, 2014

Playdate gone awry

On our way to a playdate.

Ran over something on the freeway.

Flat tire.

Pull over. 

3 children melting down.

Call AAA.

Get towed.

Go to the Honda dealership to patch the tire.

It can't be repaired.

$518, two new tires and a valve stem later, the car is fixed.  We make it to the playdate.

This sure was one expensive afternoon.


  1. Yes, it was expensive. But I am thankful that the flat didn't cause you to skid or lose control. As long as you're all okay, I won't complain about paying for it. (I know...YOU ARE PAYING FOR IT.)

    1. True that. I'm glad Jonathan was driving, too, he's much better about these things than I. But still... those unexpected bills always suck!

  2. my first thought was 'Thank goodness no one was hurt" but i see Savta covered that! I'm still thankful!
