Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 year old vocab

Me, talking to Xander last night as I get home from work:  "Hi, honey, how was your day?"

X: "Fantastically fantastic!"

Me: "Great!  What made it so fantastically fantastic?"

X: "We learned how to tell time.  On a clock!  Not like on the ones at home."

Me: "Right, ours at home are almost all digital. That means they don't have hands, they have numbers.  How cool that you're learning on the other ones, on the analog."

X: "Yeah, digital ones are hands-free.  Not like the ones at school, those are hands-full instead."

Then he scampered off.  He said it so casually by the time I realized what he meant, it was too late to correct him.  Hands-full.  What a great word!