Saturday, September 20, 2014

Our pediatrician cracks me up

I forgot to write that when we took Xander into the doctor's office, we of course brought Connor with us (Ari was at school).

Connor was a very busy baby, as always.  He explored everyone's shoes, walked from the table to the chair and back again, talked and made baby sounds to everyone, and pulled himself completely off the floor while doing pull-ups on the computer keyboard. (We had to stop him lest he break it.)

When Xander was finished and we were getting ready to go, the doctor turned his attention to Connor, whom he hadn't seen in a few months.

"So, is he developing okay?" asked Jonathan, scooping up our toddling 9 month-old.

"Well," said the doctor, chuckling.  "He's a little slow... for a 4th grader."