Thursday, September 18, 2014

Our first broken bone

Who: Xander

What: A possible hairline fracture

When:  Two days ago on the playground

Where: A growth plate on his right elbow

How: While playing "stick in the mud tag," which, according to my son, involves running around a lot until someone tags you.  Then you stay frozen and someone crawls between your bent legs to unfreeze you.  Xander was frozen in a weird position, and lost his balance when a friend crawled underneath him.  He fell directly on his arm.

Jonathan walked into school to pick him up, and saw a whole bunch of kids and all the teachers clustered around a child who was lying on the floor, screaming.  He thought to himself, "please don't let that be our child."

Yep.  It was our child.

At the doctor's office.  He has an ace bandage and a sling, not a cast, thank goodness.

And how is he now, you ask?  Fine.  Hating all the attention from his friends who ask him how he is.  And mad at us because we won't let him play on the jungle gym.  Ah, to be 5 again.


  1. No thank you, I don't long to be five again. But I'm glad that Xander is handling it so well.

    It's his parents who suffer the, it's not easy watching your kids take their lumps.

    Bravo, Xander! That's a great smile above your arm in a sling.

    your SaavtaRabba

    1. That is so true! He's getting better already, so it looks like the swelling is going down, thank goodness.
