Sunday, November 18, 2012

We're back!

What a whirlwind week that was.  Stops in Long Beach for the wedding and to see my family, stops in Fresno and Clovis to see Jonathan's family, then Monterey for a quick vacation of our own.  There are seemingly countless pictures of Disneyland, baseball playing, the Monterey Aquarium, and more.  I'll get to them eventually.

Right now the kids are in bed and I'm perusing videos online.  Here are a few choice tidbits to share with you.

- For sheer artistic beauty, there's nothing that beats Torville and Dean's 1984 Bolero.  The sport has changed so much, there are no jumps in here, just passion.

- For an incredible dance performance, see Pink at the 2012 AMA's.

- Fascinating video about what it's like to have sensory overload, and what it means for even just one person to be sensitive to it.

- One of my favorite shows, The Big Bang Theory, surprised the audience with a flash mob last month! And I only found out about it now.  Awesome video here, article here.

- BEST GAY MARRIAGE argument ever.  Watch out, they'll marry your girlfriends!

- Amazing explanation of why our sky is dark at night.  Fun, interactive science!

Other things on the internet: I read pretty much anything that shows up on my news feed on what's going on in Israel right now.  Plus, Hostess is closing!  I know it's unpopular, but in my book, good riddance.  I didn't really like any of the snack cakes, they were too fatty and processed.  It's not such a loss.

- Books:  I haven't been as good as I used to at recording the books I read - just got busy, I got guess.  And now I can't remember them!  Did I ever mention The Thoughtful Dresser: The Art of Adornment, the Pleasures of Shopping, and Why Clothes Matter, by Linda Grant?  Interesting, but I really couldn't relate to most of it.  I was intrigued by Boychicks in the Hood: Tales of the Hasidic Underground by Robert Eisenberg, but it was definitely dated.  Most of my other reading is job-related: The Tot Shabbat Handbook, Lilith's Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural, The Courage to Teach and Quantum Teaching, etc.  Well, that and stuff like Harold and the Purple Crayon and Yo Ho Ho! A Pirating We'll Go: Little Pirate Poems.

And that crying would be Ari...


  1. Thank you so much for checking in with us, Michal. I can vouch for your terrific few days in Long Beach. I loved having you here and have come to absolutely adore the phrase, "But I don't WANT to leave Bubby's house!" I didn't want you to leave either, Xander.

    I'm glad to hear the rest of your vacation went well and that you are home in your own beds now.

    Why did I not get that the whole company (Hostess) was closing? I heard about no more Twinkees. Well, being a junk food lover, I'll miss a couple things but they really ARE JUNK. And Twinkees have never been the same since they changed the recipe. Yech.

    Well, it's after 2am and I should finish my work before I go to bed.

    I love you and miss you all. No rush on the pics. We'll be happy to see them when you get to them!

    Love you all,

  2. I remember Torvil and Dean well - they were truly amazingly beautiful. But they were ice dancers, not pairs skaters, so that's why they didn't have the high lifts and spins. They really changed the nature of ice-dancing, from rather straight forward ballroom dance to more character driven performances. Although there was some major backlash from that trend too.

  3. Mom, they changed the twinkie recipe?! I didn't know that.

    And Sheryl, thank you for the link! I didn't realize the difference. I remember Gordeeva and Grinkov were amazing pairs skaters; I actually cried when he died, it was so sad. :(

  4. It was really heart-rending to see her first performance as a single.
