Monday, November 26, 2012

Apple Hill

On Friday we spent the day at High Hill Ranch, one of 50 farms/ranches/orchards that make up Apple Hill, acres and acres of land east of Placerville.  We went by dozens of craft booths, ate apple cider and apple fritters, picked our own apples from the trees, and the kids ran and ran and ran.  Oh yes, and there was candle-making and face painting.  We were too busy enjoying the day to take pictures, so just took ones of X's face when we got home.

Xander's snake

Smiling snake boy

Movie night in the evening.  Madagascar 3 had singing and dancing animals.  You can't get any better than that when you're 4!

I wasn't going to post this picture, but Jonathan insisted:  me relaxing on my last vacation morning!  You can see the steam from the tea.  Not pictured is the kitty cat directly to my left. :)

1 comment:

  1. Watta fantastic Snake-Boy! I love these pics!
    Especially the one of you relaxing Michal!
