Thursday, November 1, 2012

Learning styles

From an email listserv I'm on (BabyCenter, if anyone's interested).  People always talk about three types of learners, auditory, visual, and kinesthetic, but I've never seen it broken down like this before.  The differentiation  makes so much sense!  I'm overwhelmingly a "print learner," and never knew it.

Educators have identified two kinds of visual learners: picture learners and print learners. Many children are a mixture of both, although some are decidedly one or the other, according to Mariaemma Willis and Victoria Hodson, authors of Discover Your Child's Learning Style.

Picture learners think in images; if you ask one whether an elephant is gray, he'll probably summon up the image of an elephant that he's seen at the zoo or in a photograph. 

Print learners think in words; they quickly learn to read and easily can memorize the correct spelling of words. They're also the ones who like to practice writing and forming letters. If you ask a print learner if an elephant is gray, the first thing he'll conjure up is the word "elephant," and then he may try to recall what he's seen in a book about the animal.



  1. And no surprise that I'm a picture learner!

  2. This is not in any way to start a political discussion! I just thought it was funny that right after I read your post, I saw this article which started out giving the information in narrative form and then said, "And for you visual learners:" and showed some charts.

  3. Mom, aren't you an auditory learner?

    And Sheryl, that is HILARIOUS! Gotta love it. :)

  4. You are absolutely right. I am primarily an auditory learner but when it comes to visual's all pictures!
