Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Miriam and Danny are married!

Heading out to the rehearsal dinner.  Mom babysat the kids, it was like date night!

About to get in the car in the morning.  I felt all spiffy in my outfit: new jewelry from the CBI WBI (Women of B'nai Israel) sale, and then, would you believe, I was trying on some old dresses I found in my mom's closet... this is the dress I wore to junior prom when I was 16!  It still fit perfectly.  Made my week.  

 Loadin' up.

Xander is amazed by Jonathan's picture-taking ability.  I think I was focused on making sure we had everything for the day (good shot of the dress though!)

My lovely hubby and eldest son in the newly revamped Temple Israel sanctuary.  The whole building is stunning.  But the place where I grew up, became a Bat Mitzvah, Confirmand, and was married no longer exists.  Sniff.

Here's a shot of Ari, because Jonathan's always worried that we only ever record Xander. :)

 The bride signing the ketubah.  Gorgeous!  And to think we've known each other since Girl Scouts.

Chanting the 5th wedding blessing.  Someone asked me later if I was a rabbi, too, based on my chanting. :)

The reception was quite fun (no pictures because we were too busy dancing!).  And listening to toasts.  Bob Saget is Danny's cousin and gave some very off-color remarks... I'm back in the land of "Is that so-and-so?  It looks like so-and-so."  And then it is that person.

Then it was home for about an hour, and then Mom and I bundled up to go see Barbra Streisand at the Hollywood Bowl!  We were on the 3rd six o'clock bus out of a local mall, then joined the 18,000 strong in the bleachers.  It was a wonderful performance.  Not exactly Streisand at her peak (so I hear), but I enjoyed it.  More than that, I enjoyed my mom enjoying it.  So it was well well worth it!  Here's a review of Friday night, which was apparently nearly verbatim for when we went on Sunday.

The sibling bed when I got home.  Ari always has to be snuggled to someone!