Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pregnancy update

I'm 15 weeks!  We heard a very healthy heartbeat, and all is well in fetus-land.  As far as what's going on with me, the nausea is abating beautifully.  I apparently though have extremely low blood pressure as well as very low blood sugar... so am now on orders to eat every two hours, including at least one middle-of-the-night snack.  That may sound fun, but oy, it's harder than it sounds.  Also complicating things?  I'm craving citrus and salads, but seem to have an aversion to almost all meat, making protein harder to come by than in the previous pregnancies.

The best part is that Xander and Ari have taken to giving my belly zerberts, "so Squishy will know that her* big brother[s] are saying hello!"

*Note:  We have no idea yet if we're having a boy or a girl, but Xander's referring to it as a girl because "I already have a little brother, I want a little sister now!"


  1. HER brothers?????? It's a girl?????????

  2. No clue. But I changed the blog entry to reflect your question.

  3. Okay. So I'll wait in line patiently until you announce. Meanwhile,
    figure out a diet that provides high energy to counter your low blood-pressure and low blood-sugar.

    And what in the world are ZERBERTS????

  4. Haha, zerberts are loud open-mouthed kisses that make a "ppppbbbbt" noise. Otherwise known as a raspberry.

  5. The best way to prepare to blow the shofar is by blowing rasberries on a baby's tummy ;-)
    I'm so glad that you are feeling better and that the boys are excited about new squishy.

  6. when I was prego with my girlies, I could not even look at meat without wanting to throw up. The smell made me oh so sick! only meat I could do as long as I was never near it while it was raw, was chicken. I ate a lot of non-meat to get my protein intake. Soooo point being Xander may just be correct in having a little sister :)
