Friday, June 14, 2013

He survived!

Jonathan did a huge mitzvah this week - he spent three days getting up at 3am to go drive to his aunt's house, climb up to the side of the house by 5am and spend the day re-roofing her house.  Thank goodness for Mike the former contractor, who knew what he was doing and showed Jonathan and another cousin how to help.  So Tante Edna now has a new roof... and my poor husband has a sunburn and bleeding fingers.  We even had to throw away his jeans, because we were afraid the tar and fiberglass dust wouldn't fully come out.

Go Jonathan!  I only had to take care of the kids for three days... somehow I think I got the better end of the deal. :)

1 comment:

  1. A major mitzvah! Good for you, Jonathan!!!! Great role modeling for your boys too! You done good.
