Monday, June 10, 2013

A Shabbat to remember

We started off at the Train Museum with two friends from school, twins who are Xander's age.  The best part of this playdate is that I loved the mom and Jonathan got along really well with the dad.  I think (hope!) they could graduate from regular "parents of childrens' friends" to actual adult coffee-date friends. Ari was happy as a clam running around with the big boys, and Xander was thrilled to have so many people to play with.

After we left the Museum we went to Chipotle, which was good food as always.  But right as we were finishing our food, all four boys started standing on their chairs and shouting "fire truck!"  And lo and behold, a fire truck had pulled up in the parking lot!  I went with the boys and the twins' dad, Tim, to investigate, and a fire fighter followed us out.  He and three compatriots then gave us a private tour of the truck, let each kid sit in the driver seat, flashed the lights, and even - and this was awesome, even as an adult - pulled out the fire hose and helped each boy pull the lever to release a shooting stream of water.  To say that they were excited would be the understatement of the year.  It all ended abruptly when a police car AND a tow truck showed up, motioned to the fire fighters, and they all drove off together.  The children literally bounced back to the Chipotle doors.

We said goodbye to our friends and came home so Ari could nap.  Jonathan stayed with him and I accompanied Xander to a birthday party.  It was one of those party places with bounce houses and sugar galore.  Xander of course fell deeply asleep on the way home, he was so exhausted.

Now as I write this on Saturday night, the boys are watching a movie and Jonathan is making French toast with whipped cream and berries for dinner.

A great day, if I may say so myself!


  1. What an awesome time!!! I really admire how you make sure to schedule so much time to just have fun as a family. I think too many people (including myself!) get lost in the stress of daily life and forget how important it is for everyone to just stop and have some fun!

  2. Sounds like a heavenly day for all!

  3. Thanks, everyone! We try. And MamaNightsong - I'm having trouble getting into your blog, it says a need a new password? Wanna email me privately to help me out?
