Sunday, June 30, 2013

Crazy heat wave

It is currently 106 degrees.

On Friday, when I was standing outside in the blazing heat officiating at an unveiling (at the cemetery, where one "unveils" the tombstone about a year after someone dies), it was 104 degrees.

I was sweltering in my formal black skirt and top, with sweat literally trickling down my legs as I stood there speaking.  Standing next to the white stone mausoleum, I felt like I was in an oven.

The funeral home director brought out chilled bottled water. "Oh!" He said to me after.  "You stood right in front?  The white stone reflects the heat, it raises the temperature 20 degrees right about where you were."

Brilliant.  Well, at least that explained it.

I came home afterwards looking like a drowned rat, put all my clothes in the laundry and took another shower.

And the rest of the day? I didn't leave the air conditioning once.

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