Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sad little update

So it turns out we're in violation of two things: having three cats and not two, and then letting them go outside.  We suspect that Simcha, the big orange fluffy loud kitty who spends the majority of his time outside, is the one who's bugging the neighbor's dogs.  So as of 4th of July weekend, he's going to live with my mother. :(

We're hoping this will appease the HOA so they let us keep the other two.  And then we're for sure moving in a year or two - I just can't deal with moving now, not with being five months pregnant and the boys finally getting settled.

But I do feel terribly guilty and like the worst kind of cat mother ever.


  1. Nonsense! You are doing what you can to keep your whole family together. Simcha loves me and I him. He'll be happy and safe until he goes back to live with your family again and he's here for all of you to visit anytime!
    I love you all.

  2. Nicole said what I really wanted to say except with compassion and love. I'm sorry I missed all your pain, my wonderful daughter. You are a fabulous, adoring cat mother and a great mother overall. And while no one can 'change' how you feel, please know that I recognize that the actions you're taking are so hard because you love your 4 legged family members so much. I suspect Solomon wouldn't have worked any harder to find a solution.
    Hugging you from afar.

  3. Aww, you guys made me cry! Thank you so much for your compassion, and your kindness. I'm still in mourning, but I DO feel a little better. ((hugs back))
