Monday, May 20, 2013

Yesterday was the last day of religious school!

I survived my first year!  And it went very well, if I may say so myself. :)

After naptime yesterday, Jonathan and Xander headed south on a train (emphasis due to Xander's extreme excitement) to go to Fresno to see Jonathan's mom for a couple days.  They'll come back up by way of car/trailer truck, bringing us a new bedframe.  In the meantime, Ari and I have been having a ball.  I'd forgotten what it was like to have just a toddler in the house!  I miss the big boys (husband included) like crazy, but it's really sweet having Ari all myself.

This also means I have time to download all the pictures on our camera.  Expect picture posts in the near future!

1 comment:

  1. "Last Day of Religious School"-CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS!

    And congratulations on starting your Family-Freedom with a BLAST! I can hear that train whistle mingled with Xander's squeals of delight. Your house surely never seemed as big as it does now with only mom and Ari scrambling about in it.

    Celebrating Change! Exciting and Refreshing!

    Lotsa love...
