Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Totally random collection of photos from the past two weeks

 This was my rocking chair when I was a girl... it's being put to good use!

 Contemplative Ari.

 Trying to sit "criss cross apple sauce" (cross-legged), as Xander instructs from the side.

 Wearing kippot like Mommy and making funny faces.

Our "rainbow wall" - light hits all of our crystals in the kitchen window and lights up the wall and ceiling beautifully in the afternoons.

Ari at school, loving the boots.

 Oooh measuring at preschool!!

 Xander's newest favorite activity is to build train tracks, and then Ari loves to play with them.

 Another train track a few days later.


  1. Love the pics. I feel like I'm there!

  2. What did you think of the video?

  3. The video is awesome! I watched it three times, and squealed with delight with the boys each time. Magic shoes that turn you into siren-blaring race-cars or flying-carpets! What fun! -- even toppling mommy! Great post!

  4. Found the video and loved it!
