Sunday, May 19, 2013

Surreality (is that a word?) of Shavuot

Shavuot is the Jewish holiday celebrating the day when God gave Moses and the Israelites the Torah and the 10 Commandments.

It's also commonly the day when 10th graders have their Confirmation ceremony.

An hour before that ceremony, each 10th grader took a picture flanked by me, the senior rabbi, and the cantor.  They lined up in a long row and the photographer called "Next!" after each picture.  It took over half an hour for the entire class of 15 Confirmation students - my face started to hurt halfway through from smiling so much on cue.

What was so odd was that the last time I was in a photo session like that, I was the student.  I more than vividly remember standing in line before Ordination last June, waiting to have my picture taken with the HUC-JIR president, Rabbi David Ellenson.

Crazy to think that in less than a year I went from the picture-taker-in-line, to the picture-taker-in-the-white-robe-who-waits-while-everyone-else-rotates.

Amazing what an ordination can do. :)

1 comment:

  1. It might seem like only 1 year, honey, but it was at least 6 years in the making. And you earned the placement.
