Sunday, May 12, 2013

Reason #987,650 why my husband rocks

While getting his haircut last week, Jonathan struck up a seemingly-casual conversation with the stylist about how sad it was that I haven't been able to get a haircut in months.  I can't go into the salon because the chemical smells are too overpowering.

She sympathized.  He kept going.

Upshot?  Tomorrow she's coming to our house to give me a haircut.  And to give one to the kids.  All at the usual rate for me, and at only $15 per kid!  (including Ari, Odelia.)

I have no idea how he did it.

I'm just amazed.

And really thankful I don't have to go into the salon. :)

(Oh yes.... and he corralled the kids beautifully all day today so I didn't have to lift a finger, AND he got me fabulous books for Mother's Day.  Go Jonathan!)