Monday, September 16, 2013

Rundown of the High Holy Days

The three most common things I heard at Yom Kippur services:
1) When are you DUE?!  Next week?!
2) Thank goodness you're wearing tennis shoes, I would have been mad at you had you worn heels.
3) I really liked your sermon, it made me think.

Three notes about Yom Kippur:
1) Not fasting because I'm pregnant was... fantastic, actually.  I love food.
2) The kids didn't fast, but we asked them to give up something.  Xander gave up chicken nuggets.  He took it very seriously.
3) Ari got so freaked out about using the bathrooms at temple that Jonathan took him home halfway through the morning.  Poor kid didn't even want to use the little potty we keep in the car.

Three reasons why putting up our sukkah only took two hours:
1) We learned how to do it correctly last year and now have all the parts.
2) Tim and Robin, two tall adults, helped.
3) Xander, Ari, and their friends Noah and Will stayed inside and didn't help.  Amazing how much difference that made.  Instead, they decorated it after it was built with fake fruit and our kids' artwork.  After they had washed off their sticky fingers from their apples and honey snack.

The solemn, thoughtful, fun-filled, logistically-crazy High Holiday weekends are over.  Next up, Sukkot and Simchat Torah!


  1. Loved this post and all the YK comments you heard. Thrilled to hear that your sermon reached people. What more can one ask for?

    And you asked the kids to give up something for YK! That is fantastic. You probably remember that that's something we did with you growing up and 4, almost 5 is the perfect age. I'm glad he took it seriously. You did too. I think you chose to give up pizza. Now, no way in hell were we going to have pizza that day but no matter. You chose to give it up and you too took it very seriously. You probably thought about pizza ALL DAY and the fact that you couldn't have it. It's a great way to help your kids learn. I'm proud of you both.

    Poor, poor Ari!!!! And bless you, Jonathan, for taking him home. It sounds like things were pretty overwhelming for the little guy.

    Loved that your sukkah went up easily this year! Yay for adult male builders and young male decorators!

    Enjoy Sukkot and Simchat Torah.

    Sending love and hugs.
    Bubby and Mom

  2. I do kind remember that, Mom... vaguely. I just didn't want Xander thinking we were observing Lent for some reason. ;)
