Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Jewish mothers and food

Since I'm not moving so well, I offered to make the kids' lunches today while Jonathan took them breakfast in our sukkah.  (Don't freak out anyone, it still counts as resting, it involved me sitting on a stool in our kitchen for five minutes and taking exactly two steps to the pantry and fridge.)

I'm putting things in their lunch... I'm putting things in their lunch... I'm putting things in their lunch.

Jonathan came back to the kitchen and I said somewhat exasperatedly, "Honey, I can't think of anything else to give them.  What do you suggest?"

He started to laugh.  And laugh.  And laugh.

"They're two and four years old!" he exclaimed.  "And school gives them morning and afternoon snack.  How much food do you think they eat?!"

Apparently I kind of overdid it... but who knows, I wouldn't want them to go hungry!!

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