Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pictorial recap of the last week

Xander built this marble run completely by himself, with no help from myself or Jonathan.  And it worked perfectly; the marble went down every single level as it should, it didn't skip anything.  He builds better than I!

 What we saw on Shabbat morning when we got up at the extremely late hour of 8:30am, without our alarm or children waking us up, and worried about what had happened to the kids.

Xander loves math: this is his hundred chart from school, decorated oh so beautifully.

 But of course, art is fun too.  I love the pattern he created.  He told me it was like spokes on a wheel. 

And this isn't a kid pic, but is cool anyway: Jonathan made a cake for William's birthday, and each child had thirds.  Talk about kid heaven!

Other things that happened this week:
- A bike ride to the park
- A new-to-me computer to replace my now-brick of a laptop
- Moving a mirror into the kitchen so the boys can wipe their own faces after meals.  The first time our youngest saw it, he stared at it for 5 minutes saying, "I watch Ari!"
- Opening up both sides of a large box, pushing it into place as a tunnel, and having 2 little ones run behind the couch and around using the tunnel as their exit
- Watching the whole series of Firefly with Robin
- Figuring out how to balance working at home with resting
- Lots of soccer.  Ari's reached the age where he can actually kick the ball back, so he and Xander play quite nicely

And that's about it!


  1. I am just bursting my buttons, as Bubby's should at the accomplishments of their grandchildren! Not only are my grandsons beautiful, they are smart and creative and (sometimes) cooperative and athletic! What great kids!
    Loving them and you and Jonathan!
    Bubby and Mom
