Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Have I mentioned how much I love getting our haircuts at home?

All hail our stylist, who does cuts and color for the pregnant woman's family at the house!  I know it will change back in three months, but for now, I'm milking it for all it's worth.

 Post-haircut, being handed a mirror and not quite registering what to do with it.

 Oh wow, I can see myself in here!

 Mommy, Daddy, woah!  I have so much less hair!

 I think I like it.

 If I make funny faces, maybe I won't notice I'm getting my hair cut.

Happy with the end results.


  1. All spiffed and ready to welcome the New Year.
    Shanah Tovah!


  2. Both boys look fantastic!!! And how wonderful that you can have haircuts at home for a while. My mother (Savta) always cut our hair at home. We'd sit on the seat part of the step stool (4 steps up) and away she'd go. I love Ari's reactions!

  3. Thanks guys! Yeah, I'm loving the haircuts here. Savta, you did all your kids? You must be a good stylist... I'm afraid I would butcher their hair if I did it. I don't even try.
