Monday, August 13, 2012

Week in pictures

A week off is a good thing for Xander.  First stop, zoo!

Ms. Lionness chowing down

 Leopard licking its lips.

 Zebra behinds.


 Very tall creatures, these giraffes.

 Pelican not eating it's caretaker's arm.

 Riding the train.

The next morning, the kids and I played rocketship before I went to work.

 Cardboard is the best toy.  If you look closely you can see that Xander and I are making launching sounds.  Ari waved his cardboard around valiantly.

 More rocketship-ing.

 Coming in for a landing!

What a great game!

(Alternatives to these games are: hiding from the monsters, building a pillow fort, hide and go seek under the train table, playing "catch the _____," "run as fast as you can," etc.  Xander's very creative!)

Yogurt for breakfast a few days later.  This scenario prompted Xander to say, "Ari's having Messy Art Day!" [his favorite day at school]

But lest you think it's all great... I spent the hours of 2:30am-6:30am rocking a crying Ari last night.  Ah, night weaning.  It's so hard to go to sleep in a new way.  Wish me luck for tonight!

1 comment:

  1. LUCK! LUCK! LUCK! I'm off to bed myself! Wish ME luck too.
    I love you bunches and bunches.
