Sunday, August 19, 2012

Visits, welcoming, and kidlet milestones

- Last night was my "service of welcoming" at temple.  It was lovely!  All Jonathan's aunts and uncles in the area came for the ceremony, as well as two people from Long Beach.  The senior rabbi ended by blessing me under the chuppah, held up by the members of the search committee, as a covenant with the congregation.

- Jan is visiting and I have SO many pictures, that will be a whole different post.  But in short: roller skates, water play, hide and seek, new musical toys, and more.  She also helped me a ton with planning the Teacher Orientation for religious school.

- Teacher Orientation!  Went really well.  It's gonna be a great year.

- Jonathan and I sat on the other end of the table at the kids' school for New Parent Orientation. It seems like they'll have a fun year as well.  Oy, we're old enough to have kids in a Back to School night!

- Ari only woke up once in the middle of the night last night!  And toilet-training with Xander is going famously.  There is now hope on both counts.

- We're now three episodes away from end of the last season of The Big Bang Theory.  After that,  Dr. Who.


  1. My longing to be at your Service of Welcoming was intense, so I was delighted to hear that you had family present. Sounds as warm as I had imagined it would be. Glad to hear the boys are adjustng to their new surroundings, and really enjoying themselves. The pictures of Odelia with the children show the closeness they share.
    Yes! Sacramento is the right place and right time for you and vice-versa. Who woulda guessed?

    All my love to each and every one of ya!!!!

  2. I warn you... do nott start Dr. Who.
    Once you start.... there's just no stopping.

    So glad to hear all's going well! :)

    Chana P

  3. Thank G-d great!

    We MUST catch up sometime... let me know once things settle down in the new home/job/city :)

  4. We're doing the countdown for the Dr. also!
