Thursday, August 30, 2012

The good life

I have a great job where I feel fulfilled, with a great senior rabbi.  It's not with every boss that you can go out to lunch and split your entrees so you both can have half of each dish.

I have a great husband who is smart, witty, and compassionate.  He does all the laundry and loads the dishwasher, makes me better tea than I make myself, and picks out the very best movies on Redbox.

I have a great eldest son who gives me hugs and says "I love you to the moon and back" every night at bedtime.  He's creative and imaginative, loves rocket ships and pirates, and never draws horses, only zebras.

I have a great youngest son who smiles and giggles whenever he sees me after I leave the room.  He loves to read, hides his shoes in the lowest shelf of the fridge (no joke) and is communicating more every day.  (So far he has words/motions for "yes," "no," "Mama," "Dada," "An-der," "mine," "itty-at" for kitty cat, and "En-na" for Kenna, his best bud at school.)

I have great kitty cats who purr and purr and purr.  All three of them go outside now, but each one still plops on my lap whenever it looks remotely available.

I have a wonderful extended family through my husband who includes me in everything, always are interested in what's going on in our lives, and chooses to have a birthday celebration at Olive Garden.

And guess what?  In case that wasn't enough??

Graeter's ice cream has come to Sacramento!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What could be better than love and gratitude and GRAETERS?! I love your descriptions of those you love. You are so blessed to have all of them in your life and we are soooo blessed to have YOU!
