Monday, August 27, 2012

Mom's visit

Xander love at work.

Hugs in the middle of a wrestling match.

Wrestling interrupted by laughter.

Proud of himself for washing all the fruit.

 Xander taking pictures of his own feet.

 Ari on his new music car.

 So excited.

 Drinking with Odelia.

About to head outside on the new roller skates.

Ari coloring in his "A" at school.

Checking email with company.

And now:  WATER!  (a careful selection of photos)

 Filling up the water table.

 Playing in the sprinklers.

 Xander laughing, Ari extremely focused.

 Xander was watering the bushes.  Ari tried too - but for some reason, by the time he got to the greenery the cup was always empty!

 The highlight of the boys' day: waterfight with my sister.

Other than that? Dr. Who mini-marathons have commenced.  And I have officially decided that David Tennant is much hotter than either Christopher Eggleston or Matt Smith.   Let the arguments commence!


  1. What a FABULOUS trip it was!!!! Thank you for all the memories. And I appreciate how many pics you had to go through to pick these few because I know how pictures we TOOK!
    Love you sooooooo much and miss you tons and tons!

  2. I love seeing the joy on Jan and Xander's faces as they play!

    Now Michal, you know I love and respect you highly, but sadly, you are WRONG! Eggleston was the best. Yes, Tennant is prettier, but Eggleston made you fall in love without the model face. ;-)

  3. What a spectacular post! The three-generational interaction is awe-inspiring. And those boys are just too too delicious! As for the photos of the naked kidlets having fun outside, and enjoying water-play with their auntie, they were purr-fect! They met Jonathan's expectations and Michal's modifications. Those photos can be watched anytime anywhere by anyone without shame or blame. BRAVO!!!

    I'll be going back to view this over and over and over!! THANKS!!!

  4. David Tennant is the hottest for sure but Christopher Eggleston comes mighty close.^.^

  5. Haha, thanks, Savta! Be sure to watch the video that's hidden in there, I don't know why it wouldn't embed.

    And Kuntgeist, who might you be?

  6. I did watch the video. I loved the way Ari growled his own VROOM-VROOM for the engine and made a fast getaway pushing with his feet. That smile on his face makes my heart beat faster every time I see it!!!!!!

  7. Its amanda from the AJA. When i commented on this i forgot i had a blog from long ago which is what the name is from.^.^

  8. Haha Amanda, I wondered if that was you! I saw your picture teeeeny tiny on one of the Germany pics. So glad you're here and reading. :)
