Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What a week

The past week has seen:

- Mom visiting
- Ari's birthday party
- My sister's birthday
- Seder and matzah galore
- Accompanying Xander on his first field trip to an elderly folk's home
- Going to Lois and Mike's in the mountains
- The return of Simcha the cat, who has now left his outdoor cat status to lounge at home
- Me reading more books on my vacation

There are literally hundreds of pictures piled up of most of these events.  I'm sorting through them, albeit slowly.  Keep checking back for updates.


  1. YAY!!!!! A post! A post! So exciting! I've been checking every day.

  2. I check at least three times a day every day, so will be looking for updates.....and pictures as you make your selection. WAAA-HOOO!
